Eng. Wassim Salah Eldeen El Manzalawy
Department Director General Administration for Computer & Information Technology DevelopmentDepartment Director General Administration for Computer & Information Technology Development

الكتب الأكثر مبيعًا
قد تكون مهتمًا أيضًا بهذه الكتب التي كتبها نفس المؤلف
Department Director General Administration for Computer & Information Technology Development
الأكثر شهرة
Information and Communication Technology: The Programming Projects (Student book) - Third Secondary
This book presents a comprehensive vision of the relationship between science, technology and society, which reflects the role of information and communication technology and its innovations in various fields of life and community development, through training students on the skill of the implementation of some software projects based on the Markup language HTML, programming languages PHP &VB.NET and applications such as Expression Web.