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    Tamer Abd ElMohsen Mansour

    Tamer Abd ElMohsen Mansour

    الكتب الأكثر مبيعًا

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    Computer and Information Technology - Third Year Preparatory - Second Semester

    التنسيق المتاح


    Computer and Information Technology - Third Year Preparatory - Second Semester

    Samir Hassan MohamedDr. Gamal Eldin Mohamed AminAhmed Abdallah MansourTamer Abd ElMohsen Mansour


    الأكثر شهرة

    Computer and Information Technology - Third Year Preparatory - Second Semester

    we offer this book in computer and information technology, amended and revised by a group of university professors and experts who specialize in this area. We hope to keep you informed of the latest developments in the era of technology to keep pace with scientific development in problem solving, flowcharts and the basics of programming through the dot-net style.

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